Sunday, January 13, 2013

Speech Topics and Curiosities

Just digging around the interwebs, researching a project 2 for either Humorously Speaking or The Entertaining Speaker manuals. I've got a case of the writer's block.  Not that I even know what I'm even writing about.  Seems like it's the hardest part sometimes to come up with stuff to write about.  At this point I've written/talked about a lot of boomerangs, volunteering, or juggling.  Don't really feel that I want to go over those again.

I've been digging around YouTube for speech ideas, structure, and inspiration.   Last few days I've been fascinated by the idea of smoking a pipe.  Not sure how the curiosity struck.  Possibly the pipe paraphernalia laying around and memories of grandfather smoking pipes.  Seems like I've got a grasp of it, at least in theory.  As for if it's in practice, I don't know yet.  Their is the risk of cancer but looking though some of the research it seems like the risk is way smaller as compared to cigarette smoking.  Cigars fall in between the two.  Straight pipe smoking still has it's risk but it just depends on how much you go at it.  Could be interesting for a speech.  I'll have to sit on it for a while.

Heck if anyone is interested in the speech, I possibly could see fit to have it posted up on Youtube. Or you could just look up how to do it as well.   If you happen to want to learn yourself: Art Of Manliness has a decent article on pipe smoking. 

Or maybe I could some how use a pipe as a prop for a speech.  Somehow create a mood and use gestures with the pipe.  But mostly I'm thinking out text.  Just stirring up the idea machine.  I'm also trying to figure out how to gather ideas for speeches.  Maybe possibly an overarching theme that I can aspire to with my life that happens to also make for somewhat easy speeches to give for Toastmasters or where ever.  I know so much at various levels of skill and knowledge but how does one go about finding that core theme to it all.

And Kids: Don't Smoke,  It's bad for you.

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