Just got back from a 13 day trip of throwing boomerangs a few weeks ago. July 30 and 31 there was the 32nd annual Free Throwers tournament and the 2011 NALDO. August 4 - 7 was the 2011 US Boomerang Nationals. I didn't do to bad but I wasn't exactly in the top 10 either. It's so much fun to be at these events. There are lots of great people with a common passion for throwing boomerangs.
Boomerangs are complicated things. You can never create the same boomerang twice. Little differences in the blades will determine how the lift gets generated. The weight on the tips will also determine how the boomerang gyroscopic precession will turn the boomerang. Tip weight further back will try to keep the boomerang upright longer and moved forward will cause the lower half to precess upwards. This is the difference between a fast catch and a trick catch boomerang.
It really is a sport where anyone can throw from 8 to 98. If you can throw something you can throw a boomerang. Much to learn about life in boomerang throwing. You can aim and throw perfect but still be thrown off by things out of your control (i.e. wind, temperature, humidity, atmosphere). Or you will never know the full potential of a boomerang till you throw it. Good things are coming back. Throw sticks, not stones. Boom to live, live to boom.
Just checking out your blog and saw the boomerang posting.