Monday, November 17, 2014

Volunteer Log 2014

For those curious to what organizations that I've volunteer for during the 2014 year, this is the listing of them.  I am a small cog in a very large machine.

I don't post this to brag, only to remember.  It is my own unique brand of insanity.  I do this stuff because I like helping out.  It gives me claim to being able to say that I've worked at: art shows, concerts, parades, cookoffs, beer festivals, fundraisers, STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), around robots, and at the circus.


Art On The Square
Catsup Festival
Circus Flora
FIRST Robotics
Midwest Salute To The Arts
Midwest Wingfest
Rock 'n' Roll Marathon

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Volunteering and Community

June: so much to say about June.  There was Twangfest for KDHX, St. Louis Heritage Festival, St. Louis Fringe Festival, Wine Dine and Jazz and Circus Flora.  I've also been doing Improv classes at The Improv Shop.  There is a quote on The Improv Shop wall and website by Kurt Vonnegut that goes: "And I would really, over the long run, hope America would find some way to provide all of our citizens with extended families -- a large group of people they could call on for help."  A little girl (4 or 5 years old) giving me a big hug after Circus Flora was over.  The combination of the quote and hug got me thinking that my favorite parts about volunteering and improv and life is the communities.  Communities that in some cases only get to see once a year and others that I can goof around with and be funny with.  Somehow it all makes sense together.  Probably my favorite part of doing any and all of it.  It's one of those things that I want to help push forward and help it grow.  So many communities to try to tie together and I am merely one thread amongst them all.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Codecademy: Tutorial Programming Site

If you haven't been to Codecademy ever, you should check it out.  More so true for the beginner programmer or folks wanting to start out in programming.  It has tutorials on HTML 5/CSS 3, Javascript, Jquery, Python, PHP, or Ruby.  A lot of web programming skills but they are all vital skills in the world today.

For the advanced programmer,  it gets a bit slow and repetitive.  Some of the examples don't always seem clear but I think that is mostly due to the advanced knowledge you might have from actual experience.  You can still learn stuff from the site though, albeit a bit slower than hack and coding with Google.

Not a bad site thought to learn to program.  I've brushed up on HTML5/CSS3, JavaScript, and JQuery.  I feel pretty good foundation in them now.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Quick Thoughts On Improv

I've been taking Improv classes at The Improv Shop since September 2013.  Long time I know.  One thing that really has really struck me is how pretty much every motivational or inspirational or spiritual speaker, all pretty much hit on ideas that are "taught" in improv classes.  The ideas are not really directly taught but I think the ideas flow from them.   Difference being is that the motivational speaker person has specific life lessons that they customize to and present ideas relative to that.  

Things like "Yes, and...", listen, or do stuff: they all pretty much come through in any motivational speaker.  These ideas are all repackaged but have the vibe of one of these things.  I am ordained by 2 "organizations", maybe I should come up with an inspirational life story and preach to that.  If you would like to donate to my church.....

Other thing that I've noticed is that I pretty much lived by "Yes, and..." for a while without realizing it.  It is pretty sweet how it all comes around.

I also would like to learn to be a clown, so if you know of anyone in St. Louis that is willing to either teach or mentor, Let me know.

St. Louis Improv Community....You guys, gals, and weirdos are awesome.  Love you guys.